Hutchie & Co.

Social Reading and Reviewing




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Small BookWyrm instance for use by ferrets, cervines and other creatures.

  • Active users: 3
  • Statuses posted: 80
  • Software version: 0.7.4

Welcome to Hutchie & Co.!

Hutchie & Co. is part of BookWyrm, a network of independent, self-directed communities for readers. While you can interact seamlessly with users anywhere in the BookWyrm network, this community is unique.

Half-Earth Socialism is Hutchie & Co.'s most beloved book, with an average rating of 5.0 out of 5.
More Hutchie & Co. users want to read Ökotopia than any other book.
Bored Gay Werewolf has the most divisive ratings of any book on Hutchie & Co..

Track your reading, talk about books, write reviews, and discover what to read next. Always ad-free, anti-corporate, and community-oriented, BookWyrm is human-scale software, designed to stay small and personal. If you have feature requests, bug reports, or grand dreams, reach out and make yourself heard.

Meet your admins

Hutchie & Co.'s moderators and administrators keep the site up and running, enforce the code of conduct, and respond when users report spam and bad behavior.



[email protected]

Joined 5 months, 1 week ago